Friday, October 19, 2012

A Terrific Thursday!

We have had a TERRIFIC Thursday!!

Even though we miss Mrs. Deaton and can't wait to see her new baby, we are having fun and learning lots of things with Mrs. Brooks!

Today in Daily 5, some of us were detectives! We used "magnifying glasses" and searched for words around our room starting with the letters Dd and Ss. At the computers, we got on iStation to practice reading and to practice our letter sounds. In Book Club with Mrs. Brooks, we practiced our letter sounds and letter recognition with flash cards. During Read to Self, we enjoyed reading around the room with our Book Boxes!

Next, we worked on our centers! Some children made ducks to go on our farm on the outside wall of our classroom. Other children made a flower with Ss words on the petals. Some children did an activity with pigs in the mud. Other children cut, pasted, and sorted letter Dd and Ss words. Also, some children made a barn with Ss and Dd words inside. Centers are so exciting!

"I liked making my duck because it was easy but also fun." Wesley
"I thought the pigs in the mud looked really cute and funny!!" Nick
"I liked learning new Ss words and putting them on a flower." Aaron
"I thought it was fun to make my own barn." Levi
"I like sorting and I got to sort Ss and Dd words." Josh

After lunch, we watched a really cool Bookflix called "Click, Clack, Moo." It was a hilarious story! We also liked writing about farms and farm animals in our journals this afternoon. 

At the very end of the day, we had a SPECIAL surprise! Mrs. Deaton came to see us!! We were all so excited and happy. She promised to come back and bring the baby. We can't wait!

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