Friday, October 28, 2016


We have had a wonderful week in Kindergarten getting ready for Halloween!

One thing we did this week was read a lot of Halloween books.  One book we read was "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything".  After we read the book, Mrs. Deaton made a list of things we are scared of.

This is what we had to say:

"I am scared of..."

"a witch" Aaliyah

"heights" Ahmir

"lots of lightening" Bryant

"the woods" Bryce

"a tree falling down" Carter

"bears" Holden

"clowns" Iker

"spiders" Jason

"lizards" Leia

"deep ends in swimming pools" Maddie G.

"snakes" Maddie M.

"swimming in the deep end" Myah

"monsters" Olive

"be lonely" Olivia

"ghosts" Patrick

"lightening" Persea

"spiders" Shayla

"lightening" Sophie

"snakes" Summer

"magical guns" Tenley

"lightening" Treasure

"ghosts" Zach

We did a lot of Work Centers and Math Centers about Halloween, too! We made crows, candy corn men and cool spider hats.  The spider hats have legs with words and letters on them.  We also ordered jack-o-lanterns with numbers on them and got to make it into a hat to wear.  We put pattern block shapes on a spider and matched numbers to candy on bags. We made ghosts with our pictures inside of them. Another center was matching pictures to the letters they begin with.

The best part of the week was South Elementary's Fall Fair.  So many people from our class came to Fall Fair to play games, win prizes and eat yummy food. We even got to wear our costumes if we wanted to! It was a blast!

Wanda the Witch

We also had a cool Halloween party in our classroom.  Thank you so much to a lot of our parents who sent in special goodies for us. Some of our parents came in to play games and help us celebrate!  It was so much fun!