Thursday, September 5, 2013

Off to a good start!

We are off to a great start in Kindergarten.  This week has been a lot of fun.  We have been meeting new friends and learning a lot of things about our school.  Today was a very fun day!

When we got to school this morning, we unpacked our things and got started on our morning work.  After the bell rang, we gathered on the carpet for Calendar. We know how to walk to the carpet quietly and sit down criss-cross applesauce with our hands in our lap.

After Calendar we did Work Centers.  Some of us played with play dough.  Some of us put stickers on our names.  Two groups worked on a shape book.  We had to draw shapes. 

We went to the library for Specials.  It was a lot of fun.  After Specials, we had snack.  We ate cookies and drank juice. Then we got to do puzzles!

Daily 5 came next.  We are working on practicing reading for a long time.  We are building our stamina.  That means we can read for a long time without getting distracted.  Guess what??? We read for 3 minutes today!! Mrs. Deaton was SO proud of us and SO happy.  

Lunch was delicious today.  Some boys and girls brought a lunch box but some kids ate the food from the cafeteria.  Yummy!

This afternoon, we wrote in our "My Book".  We know how to spell the word "my"! Just ask us!  We also counted the number of letters in our name and graphed it. We found out that Ali has the smallest number of letters and Christian has the most letters.  

Math was the last thing we did today.  We got to explore with pattern blocks and unifix cubes.  It was a blast!  We met a new friend today named Ms. Elizabeth. She is in high school and is going to come to our classroom some this year.  Ms. Elizabeth is very nice. 

Today was great!  We had a wonderful day together!