Sunday, September 15, 2019

September Fun!

We have been having fun and learning a lot in Kindergarten over the past few weeks! Here are some highlights---

In Book Club with Mrs. Deaton, we have been working on Print Concept skills.  We have been practicing the difference between letters, words and sentences.  We have been pointing to all the words while we read and we are working on using our strategies to figure out words we don't know in the books.

In Ms. Reynold's Writing Group, we have been building sentences using words.  We have also been working on writing our own sentences using sight words we have been learning.  Ms. Reynolds is helping us tap out the sounds in words so we can write them.

In Word Work, we have been practicing sorting capital and lowercase letters.  We have also been working hard practicing our sight words.

During Read to Self, we cuddle up in the room to read some interesting books.  We have built our stamina and know how to read the entire time without getting distracted by other things going on in the classroom.

During Literacy, we worked hard on understanding what "Main Idea" is.  We worked with our friends to sort out pictures of details that support our main idea.  We love getting to do work with our friends!

Many of us enjoyed a delicious snow cone as a school wide reward for great behavior.  Each month we will have a new party to celebrate good behavior in school.  We work hard to not lose many Dojo points so we can go to these parties! 

In Math, we have been learning how to count, read and write numbers 0-10. Mrs. Deaton and Ms. Reynolds played lots of fun things in their math groups with us so we could practice our numbers.  Using play dough was our favorite!  We also got to use the iPads to play OSMOs, which is awesome!  We worked with a partner to build different numbers with dot cards on the OSMO.  It's so much fun!

We got to have a SNOWBALL FIGHT in the SUMMER! We got to throw pretend snowballs (sponges) at each other while Mrs. Deaton played music.  Then, when the music stopped, we froze and held our snowball.  Then, we had to sort ourselves different ways.  Sometimes, Mrs. Deaton would tell us to sort by color.  Other times, we had to sort capital and lowercase letters together.  We love having snowball fights!!

We have a new student and we love him so much! His name is Braiden!!

We love our Morning Meeting song--

Kindergarten rocks!


  1. Wow kiddos! Those are some amazing playdoh numbers! You all did so great! Looks like some yummy snowcones too. =)

  2. Awesome guys keep up the good work 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
