Friday, October 27, 2017

Pumpkins and Halloween!

The month of October has been awesome in our Kindergarten classroom.  We have learned so much and had a really fun time in school.

 We worked hard in Daily 5 practicing our letters, sight words and reading. We talked about a lot of our letters in Letterland over the past few weeks.  Mm and Ss are two of the letters we learned about.  We practiced writing our letters on dry erase boards and made circle maps of all the words we could think of that start with them.  We even read a ton of great books about these letters.  To hear some words that start with Mm, we read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "If You Give a Moose a Muffin".  In Work Centers, we made a mouse and a moose to go with the stories.

In math, we practiced our numbers.  We also learned all about sorting.  We sorted so many different things to help us learn about sorting.  Mrs. Deaton sorted us and let us guess her rule.  She sorted girls and boys one time.  She also sorted by the color clothes we were wearing.  Then, she let us take our shoes off and we sorted our shoes in different ways. We worked as a team to sort by color and if our sheos have laces or not. Taking our shoes off was cool.

We talked a lot about pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns over the past few weeks, too.  "5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate" was our favorite poem we read in school.  We even got to do an art project to go with the poem. Awesome!

To go along with our pumpkin theme, we had a cool pumpkin day with other classes in Kindergarten. We traveled to other classrooms to do different pumpkin or halloween projects.  One thing we did was predict whether or not all different sizes of pumpkins would sink or float. A lot of us thought that they would sink.  We were wrong!  The pumpkins actually floated!  Wow! In another classroom, we did a science experiment inside a hollow plastic pumpkin.  It was so cool!  In Mrs. Deaton's classroom, we talked about force and motion.  We used some pretend ghosts (pool noodles covered in a balloon) to pop a pom pom across the room.  We practiced how to make it go farther or shorter by how hard we pulled the balloon back.  Those rotations were really fun! Then, when we came back to our classroom, Mrs. Deaton let us paint a little pumpkin of our very own.  The next day we decorated the pumpkin with stickers.

Another thing we did to go along with our pumpkin theme was... carve a pumpkin!!! Yes!! Scarlett's daddy, Mr. Moore, came into our classroom and carved our pumpkin for us.  We had the best time helping him scoop out the inside of the pumpkin.  It felt gooey and gross but it was fun!  Thank you to Mr. Moore for helping our class out.  We appreciate you!

We decorated our door with Mrs. Loden's Kindergarten class and Mrs. Brown's preschool class for our Fall Fair.  We love our Little Mermaid door and hope it will win the Door Decoration Contest!

School is a busy, fun place!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! That's a sharp-looking pumpkin. Those eyebrows are on point! Hope each and every one of you had a nice break and got to have some fun on Halloween!
    Scarlett's mommy
