Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Good and Poor Choices

Today we talked about the choices we make in school. We sorted our choices on the pocket chart. We have some good choices and some poor choices.


Here are our good choices:

Help Others


Sit nicely

Hands to self

Walking feet

Do your work

Raise your hand

Pay attention

Line up nicely

Gentle hands

Sit criss-cross applesauce 

Listening ears

Clean up

Here are some poor choices:




Throwing toys

Lying down during carpet time


Talking during lessons

Running in the classroom

We know how to make good choices in school. We are smart children and know how to always make good decisions! Kindergarten is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I know these sweet faces are making good choices! Scarlett only has good things to say about Kindergarten and all of her new friends. That makes us happy. Thank you all for being sweet to our girl!
    Big, squeezy hugs!
    Scarlett's mommy
