Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday!!

Wow!  What a wonderful Wednesday we have had in Kindergarten!  We are learning so many awesome things and keep getting smarter every day.

Yesterday, Mrs. Deaton showed us a new thing on the Internet.  She showed us Twitter. We get to use Twitter to meet other kindergarten friends all over the world. Guess what? We met our first class of friends in Texas. Their teacher's name is Mrs. Williams. They have a very smart class like we do. This week, Mrs. William's class is wearing the color red to promise that they will live a Drug-Free life. We wanted to do the same thing as them. That's why we all wore RED today! We looked SO great in our red. Mrs. Deaton and Mrs. Feller even wore red, too!

Over the last few days, we have talked a lot about Halloween.  Our work centers have to do with pumpkins and other halloween things.  One of our work centers is making spider hats. On the end of each leg, we glue a picture and a letter that go together.  For example, we glued a turtle for the letter Tt.

Another work center was gluing pumpkins on a gate.  We have been saying our poem called "5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate".  We have to glue our pumpkins from biggest to smallest.

Since our letters are Dd and Ss this week, we have been doing some work centers with those letters. We got to be a detective in one work center.  We made hats and walked around the room searching for Dd words.  Dance, diaper and dinosaur were a few of the words we found.

We also sorted and glued Dd and Ss words.  Two of our pictures were spoon and desk.

Daily 5 has been going very well this week.  One thing we have done in Working with Words is making our sight words on pipe cleaners with letters. We have been doing a good job with iStation on the computer. We get to use Mrs. Deaton's iPads to do Raz-Kids.  There are a lot of great books on Raz-Kids! We have been practicing writing the letters Dd and Ss on our dry erase boards too.

Yesterday, we had to eat lunch in the classroom.  We had to do that because 3rd graders were taking their important test.  It was fun to eat in the classroom because we got to watch PBS Kids while we ate. We watched Sid the Science Kid.

We are learning about counting in math.  We have been singing a lot of counting songs on the SmartBoard.  They are fun and silly.  Today, we counted from 1 to 100 and did a lot of exercises.  It was fun. During Math Centers, we get to play Top It with a friend.  We play IXL on the computers. Also in math, we are putting pumpkins in order by number.  Some of us put the numbers in order from 0-10 and some of us did it from 11-20.  We are still doing our pattern block shapes in math, too.  We made a pattern block dolphin and counted how many pattern blocks we used.

It has been a busy week.  We have a lot more to say about school but it's time to go home now.  We better end the blog now! :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fun Day in Kindergarten!

We had a fun day in Kindergarten. Today, Caroline was the leader.  She got to help with Calendar and be our line leader.  Caroline did a very good job being our class leader.  We are talking about the Farm in school this week.  We are making farm animals in Work Centers. The group today made cows.  We learned that a baby cow is called a calf. Did you know that?

We are making a Farm Book in Work Centers too.  We sorted animals, tools and crops that are found on the farm.

Our letters of the week are Gg and Oo.  Gg is a thief because he steals J's sound.  We think he is a sneaky letter.  Oo makes two sounds because it is a vowel.  Octopus starts with the letter Oo. In Work Centers, we have to sort and glue Gg and Oo pictures.  We also have to write the word on our paper.

We also get to play on literactive on the computer.  It is a really fun game!

We went to the library for Specials. We got new library books that we love!

Daily 5 went super today.  Mrs. Deaton's Book Club group had an excellent time.  One group read a book about the farm.  The other group read a book about a baby crying. We also practiced our letter sounds. Some people went to the computers during Daily 5.  They played iStation. Adriyana practiced with the letter Tt on iStation. The groups that went to Working with Words had a great time.  We practiced our letters and sight words.

Journal Writing was fun.  We know we are all good writers.  We use our letter sounds to write our words. Today, we had to write about where we like to go. Mahala likes to go to the beach.  That's what she wrote about in her journal. Arianna likes to go trick or treating. Akshay likes to go to the museum. He wrote about that in his journal.

Math was great today. We played a number racing game on the carpet.  Mrs. Deaton flashed a number on the SmartBoard and we had to say it really fast. It was really awesome. We went to Math Centers too. In Math Club, we practiced counting on a ten frame. We also played learned a new card game called Top It.  Another group made an owl out of pattern blocks.  We had to count the number of blocks and write it down. Another group had to roll dice and color a pumpkin with the right number on it.

We had recess in the gym today.  This was really special.  We all got very sweaty.  We played with friends in Mrs. Stutts' class.  Today was a wonderful day.  We are excited because tomorrow is Friday!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Firetruck Visit!!

We had a really awesome week last week learning about Fire Safety.  The best part of the week was on Friday.  We had a visit from the Mooresville Fire Department.  We got to see the firetruck, some firefighters and even Sparky the dog.  It was a wonderful experience for us!!  Here are some things we liked and some things we learned:

"The firefighters were awesome because they had cool stuff in the firetruck." Logan
"Sparky shook our hands.  That was great. Sparky is a spotted dog. He is a fire dog" Caroline
"The firefighters said that we need to check our fire alarms in our house every month. Firefighters wear jackets." Addison
"Fires are dangerous." Christian
"If your clothes get on fire, you stop, drop and roll." Ivan
"A firefighter uses a hose to spray water on fires. Firefighters wear a helmet" Daniel
"I liked the firetruck because it is red." Jace
"I like Sparky because he is a sweet dog." Lily
"A firefighter breaks a window with the ax. They wear a mask so they don't breathe the smoke." Nikolas
"Matches are too dangerous." Akshay
"Firefighters slide down a poll." Kevin
"The firefighters open the windows to let the smoke come out.  They also chop the roof with the ax." Gigi
"Firefighters put their boots on." Ali
"The firemen gave us a hat." Malakhi
"The fireman gave us stickers." Mahala
"Stop, drop and roll if you have fire on your belly." Ritesh
"Matches actually make houses be on fire.  Kids should not have matches." Jarett
"We got inside the firetruck.  It was fun." Arianna

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Super Tuesday!

Today is the 31st day of Kindergarten.  Wow, time is flying by!

This morning, we started by putting our book bags in our cubbies.  We made our lunch choice and began our morning work.  After the bell rang, we all came to the carpet for Calendar.  We sang "Hello Neighbor" first. Adair is our leader of the day but he was playing letter games with Mrs. Sistunk during Calendar.  After calendar, we went to our seats for Work Centers.  We sorted Ii and Rr pictures by their sounds, made Sparky the firedog, made a firefighter number hat by putting numbers in order, made a fire engine books with the words "I see a", and played Literactive on the computers.

After work centers, we went to Art for Specials.  Our Art teacher's name is Mrs. Tucker.  She is a very nice and good teacher.  She is really good at mixing colors.  That's what we did today.

After we came back to the room from Art, we had Lucky Charm cereal for snack.  We loved it!

Daily 5 went well today!  We are getting smarter and smarter because we are practicing our letters, reading, writing.  Today, we sang the Ii song on the computer.  We know that Ii makes two sounds. We also got to use our letter laptops to practice our letter sounds and build words.

After Daily 5 we went to lunch.  We did not get to go outside to the playground after lunch because we went to the book fair instead. We thought the book fair was a lot of fun.  There are some really awesome, amazing books in the book fair.  We really want to buy them.  Maybe our moms will give us some money because we go back to the book fair on Thursday.

Mrs. Deaton talked to us about fire safety today.  We talked about what to do if our clothes catch on fire.  We know that we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL!! We even got to practice doing that on the rug.  We did a lot of giggling and laughing while we watched all of our friends roll around on the carpet.  We wrote about fire safety in our journals.

Math was the last thing we did today.  We practiced our numbers with math toys on the carpet.  Then we went to math centers. We worked with 5 frames and got to play UNO with Mrs. Deaton in Math Club.  That was a lot of fun.  Some of us went IXL math on the computers. Logan's group put cards in order on the carpet.  They put the cards in order from 1-10.  Caroline's math group worked with the pattern block pictures.  They put pattern blocks on the rabbit and counted the number of blocks.

Today was definitely a super fun day!!