Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pumpkins and Farm Day!!

Our Kindergarten class had an awesome week before our Fall break. Before we carved our class pumpkin, we estimated how many seeds were in it.  Guessing how many pumpkin seeds were in our pumpkin turned out to be a hard task for us.  Our students guessed numbers between 5 and 10,000.  Carving our pumpkin was a lot of fun, especially digging out all of the pumpkin "insides". We did not carve a face on our pumpkin because we decided to make a Cookie Monster pumpkin instead.  We were so excited to make Cookie Monster!

We took turns filling up small cups with 10 pumpkin seeds each.  Then, we counted by 10s to find out how many pumpkin seeds were in our pumpkin.  Guess what! There were a total of 480 seeds!  We were shocked! 480 is a large number!

Mrs. Feller decided to roast our pumpkin seeds so we could taste them.  Even though there were a few of us that did not like the roasted pumpkin seeds, most of us loved them!  What a tasty snack!

We had a few different Halloween parties during our week in school.  A lot of our parents sent in delicious snacks and drinks.  We really loved the goodie bags as well.  Mrs. Deaton definitely thought we were filled with sugar all week long! Thank you so much to all of our parents and grandparents who sent in things for us.  We really appreciate it!!!

Fall Fair at South Elementary School was such a success.  We had such a wonderful time playing games, winning prizes, eating pizza, playing in bounce houses and much more.  The best part was getting to wear our Halloween costumes.

Wednesday was Farm Day for all Kindergarten classes. Many of us dressed up like farmers, cowboys and cowgirls.  We were ready for an awesome field trip.  Before we went outside to see the farm, we got to make butter from whipping cream.  We shook the cream as hard as we could until the butter was formed.  Then, we got to spread our own butter on bread and eat it!  It was delicious.  Going outside to see the farm was really great.  We saw a lot of animals, learned some neat facts about them and got to pet them.  Farmer Ivy was really smart and made our field trip a great experience.  After visiting the farm, we got to milk a pretend cow named Bessie.  Milking Bessie was really fun to do!  

Another really awesome thing we did on Farm Day was learn how to Square Dance. Mrs. Deaton taught us how to do a promenade and a do sa do, which were really cool.  Dancing together was so much fun!

We had a very busy, wonderful week in Kindergarten.  It's hard to believe that our 1st quarter in Kindergarten is over already.  We know that the next three quarters are going to be even better than the first!


  1. Love that everyone is having so much fun! The farm animals were so cute! You guys made awesome farmers. I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween. Can't wait to see what you guys will learn and explore next!

    Hugs and High Fives,
    Cever's mom, dad, and little brother Bowen.

  2. Kindergarden seems like so much fun! I have learned so much just from listening to Alexandra's stories! When I was a little girl, I was in Girl Scouts. Every year we had a Father/Daughter Square Dance! It was the best! I am glad you all are getting to try and learn about so many new things!

    Alexandra's Mom

  3. What an adventurous week! Carolina had to show me how to do a promenade and a do sa do. It is always a highlight of any week to look at the blog together. Thanks for the continuous updates!

  4. Just saw the blog!! Kindergarten is sooo fun!! I love hearing all the new things Brayson is doing in class!! Love, Brayson's mommy
