Thursday, November 20, 2014

We Are Thankful!!

We have had a very awesome, busy week in Kindergarten.  We have been working hard to learn all about the very first Thanksgiving.  Mrs. Deaton read us a lot of books about the Pilgrims and Native Americans.  We also watched a great video on BrainpopJr about Thanksgiving.

To celebrate the first Thanksgiving, we had a feast in our classroom today!  Half of our class dressed up like Native Americans and half of us dressed up like Pilgrims. Mrs. Deaton and Mrs. Feller decorated our tables with our placemats we made last week.  Then, we ate a delicious meal together! During our lunch, we sang some songs and talked about different things we are thankful for.

"I am thankful for God." Alexandra
"I am thankful for my dad." Allison
"I am thankful for mama." Alfonso
"I am thankful for God and my mom." Brayson
"I am thankful for my dad and my mom and my dogs." Brenden
"I am thankful for the trees and the plants." Casey
"I am thankful for my four rabbits." Cever
"I am thankful for my mommy." Destiny
"I am thankful for my dog." Emmanuel
"I am thankful for my dad." Ian
"I am thankful for my cousin." James
"I am thankful for my teacher." Justin
"I am thankful for my teacher, my mom, my dad, and my sister." Kaitie
"I am thankful for my mommy, daddy and my dogs." Linkon
"I am thankful for Jesus and my mom and my dad." Lydia
"I am thankful for my brother." Manju
"I am thankful for my puppy." Oliver
"I am thankful for my turtle." Omar
"I am thankful for my mom and my dog." Riley
"I am thankful for my grandpa." Saatvik
"I am thankful for my mamaw." Taylor
"I am thankful for my mom and dad and my cats." Carolina

Mrs. Deaton and Mrs. Feller are very thankful for our class of amazing students.  They love us so much!

We learned a really cool game in Work Centers this week.  The game is called "Snake Sticks".  This is a game that the Pilgrim and Native American children may have played.  We got to play the game with a friend, which was really fun.  To play the game, you throw three sticks and count the number of points you get.  We keep score on a piece of paper.  It is a great game!

Another thing we have been talking about this week is TURKEYS!  Turkeys remind us of Thanksgiving.  We made sight word turkeys, did a sound sort on turkey feathers and practiced putting turkey numbers in order... that's just a few things we did with turkeys.  We even acted like turkeys by gobbling around our tables during Deskercise.  All the turkey activities were great!

In Daily 5, we are working on blending sounds together to read words. We are also practicing our sounds, our sight words and writing words correctly.

We got to do some extra special things this week.  One day, it was Cever's birthday.  We sang to him and celebrated together! Another day, we got to have a juice box and a bag of pretzels for snack!  Mrs. Deaton let us sit anywhere we wanted to eat our snack. We loved that.

This was definitely another fun week in Kindergarten.  We are working hard to have fun and get smarter every day! Kindergarten rocks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful to see all those happy Pilgrims and Indian! Who was the turkey?

    Thanksgiving is almost here!

    Love, Brenden's mommy
